了不起的盖茨比美国梦分析 英文

2023-12-18 14:21   绮思文学网   

The Grea Gasby ad he America Dream

The Grea Gasby, wrie by F. Sco Fizgerald, is a ovel ha delves io he hear of he America Dream, paricularly durig he Roarig Tweies. This period i America hisory was characerized by wealh, social excess, ad he pursui of he America Dream - a belief ha ayoe ca achieve success, wealh, ad happiess hrough hard work ad he righ opporuiies. The ovel ells he sory of Jay Gasby, a wealhy ma who is ryig o wi back he love of his life, Daisy Buchaa, while avigaig he reacherous social waers of 1920s ew York Ciy.

The America Dream is ofe equaed wih he idea of he made maass a forue hrough uscrupulous meas, icludig booleggig ad gamblig, which Fizgerald uses o explore he dark uderbelly of he America Dream.

I The Grea Gasby, Fizgerald explores he heme of class ad how i relaes o he America Dream. The ovel akes place durig a ime whe social mobiliy was high, bu Fizgerald pais a porrai of a sociey where moey ad privilege ca buy happiess bu o always success. Gasby,尽管拥有财富和地位,却始终 cao wi back he love of Daisy, as he cao overcome his lower-class origis.

This idea of class ad is role i shapig people's lives is echoed i aoher of Fizgerald's works, This Side of Paradise. I ha ovel, he mai characer, Amory Blaie, is also ryig o rise above his saio i life hrough his ow effors. However, like Gasby, he fids ha moey ad saus do o guaraee happiess or social accepace.

I The Grea Gasby, Fizgerald also akes aim a he maerialism ad social hypocrisy of he era. The characers i he ovel are cosaly pursuig wealh, saus, ad maerial possessios, ofe a he expese of heir moraliy ad values. This is exemplified whe Tom Buchaa accuses Gasby of beig a Fizgerald uses his mome o highligh how easily people are willig o ur a blid eye o heir ow hypocrisy whe i comes o moey ad power.

I coclusio, The Grea Gasby is a ovel ha provides a searig idicme of he America Dream durig he Roarig Tweies. Fizgerald's characers persoify he idea of he . The ovel challeges readers o re-evaluae heir ow defiiios of success ad happiess, ad ecourages hem o recogize he darker sides of he America Dream.
